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Missing you, stay safe.

We have always known that our locations are some of the best in Australia, we have always known that we have great facilities and we have always known that our guests are the heart of our parks but what we have never experienced before are our parks without YOU! You are the heart of our parks and we miss having you here! Walking through the parks it’s almost as though a tumbleweed might roll past at any moment like in a John Wayne movie! It’s so quiet! Our days are quiet and fairly ho-hum without you here! Easter was unlike any other. Kim, our amazing manager at Broadwater Tourist Park, had purchased 200 chocolate Easter bunnies ready for your visit!! Needless to say that the staff enjoyed afternoon tea for a while until the Easter Bunny took care of them! So while we are missing you and hoping that you are tucked away somewhere safe and sound, we thought we would give you an update of what we are up to: We are also doing our best to bring forward some of our future works programs to have the works completed before your next arrival! Our Top 3 works activities happening right now:
  • Main Beach amenity block replacement – The new amenity design is beautiful and we are close to awarding the contract!
  • Main Beach - 8x drive-through sites – This has been long awaited and so desperately needed so we can welcome back our RV travellers to our most inner-city park!
  • Burleigh Beach – Exciting new accommodation product in our old unpowered camping area – We can’t wait to show you! We will do a big reveal on Instagram and facebook when the time comes!
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The Gold Coast's Top Picnic Spots

But it can’t be all work! With the announcement of Queensland stay at home directives being relaxed this weekend, families are allowed to drive up to 50km and have a picnic. To celebrate, we thought we would share our favourite Gold Coast picnic spots: Our Top 3 family picnic locations:
  1. 1. Burleigh Hill – this is the most iconic picnic location in all of the Gold Coast. The Burleigh Hill is located on Goodwin Terrace just across from our park.
  2. 2. Tallebudgera Creek – you can go on either side of the inlet and it is stunning. On the northern side people have used drift wood to create little cubby houses.
  3. 3. Currumbin Rock Pools – this is a local secret – be sure to get in early as it is only a fairly small place and it will fill up fast.
So grab your picnic blankets and take a packed picnic or buy from one of the local cafes – the weather forecast is clear skies and up to 22˚, so be sure to grab a warm jacket too! If you think we missed some of the best picnic sites on the Gold Coast, jump on our Facebook or Instagram and let us know your favourite! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to get regular info and goss on what is happening in the parks.

Posted: April 30th 2020