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Burleigh and Tallebudgera recognised for Sustainable Tourism

We are excited to announce that Burleigh Beach Tourist Park and Tallebudgera Creek Tourist Park have achieved accreditation for Sustainable Tourism through the Quality Tourism Framework.

The Sustainable Tourism Accreditation, implemented by the Australian Tourism Industry Council, is awarded to tourism business that create high quality, engaging and memorable visitor experiences that address the changing global trend of experiential tourism.

Both teams have continuously demonstrated their commitment to sustainability through their social, environmental and economic business practices. Check out how both parks are implementing sustainable practices within their businesses.

Burleigh Beach

Burleigh's goal is to provide "nature-based tourism where the goal of both tourists and the operators is the observation, appreciation and preservation of nature and traditional cultures." In working towards this goal, the team have committed to environmental, social and culturally focused business practices.

Environmental Commitments

Burleigh's award-winning Environmental Education Garden project promotes sustainability through education. This project provides a range of experiences for guests, including the "Burleigh Sprouts" kids gardening classes, worm farm and native bee education and cooking and cocktail making classes using produce grown from the garden.

In addition to this project, Burleigh have committed to the following operational actions:

  • Going paperless wherever possible and using a new online pre-check-in process
  • Recycling all paper, cardboard, wood, metals, bottles, plastics, packaging and cans
  • Using natural lighting in the reception, LED in the recreation room and deluxe cabins and solar energy for the hot water systems in select cabins
  • Encouraging guests and staff to turn off lights, air conditioners and heaters when rooms are not in use
  • Not stocking or selling disposable plastic items, such as straws, plates etc.
  • Using all ‘neutral cleaning products’ and recycled content products, materials and supplies
  • Installing water saving devices on taps, showers, and heads and training staff in reporting leaking taps and toilets

We have a “place based “approach in the way we conduct our business. We consciously endeavour to contribute both socially and economically to the community. We commit to a ‘buy local policy’ as well as recruiting local people to work in the business.

—Lara Berryman, Contract Manager, Burleigh Beach Tourist Park

Social and Cultural Commitments

In addition to environmental experiences and practices, the Burleigh team have committed to supporting the local community in which they operate their business.

These commitments include:

  • Supporting local businesses and remaining committed to ‘buy local’ wherever possible
  • Recruiting staff from within the community and giving employment opportunities to unskilled workers and workers returning to the workforce
  • Providing an affordable holiday experience through a diverse accommodation offering
  • Investing in employees and providing professional development in cultural awareness and customer service
  • Supporting the local tourism industry by promoting local attractions and events to guests
  • Partnering with local business such as entertainers for park events, food vans, caravan repair companies and local surf clubs
  • Ensuring the park is accessible, safe and inclusive

Tallebudgera Creek

At Tallebudgera, sustainability isn't just a concept; it's a way of life. They have committed to environmental, social, economic, and ethical practices to contribute not only to sustainability but also to the enhancement of the overall guest experience.

Environmental Responsibility

Being an environmental champion is paramount for the entire team at Tallebudgera. They demonstrate environmental protection through the following actions:

  • Implementing Containers for Change recycling bins resulting in 72,000+ cans recycled
  • Planting native trees and shrubs, using native mulch, aerating lawns on sites to ensure moisture is retained and creating Community Gardens
  • Installing water tanks on cabins to capture rainwater which is used for the toilets
  • Using eco-friendly cleaning products
  • Completely removing single-use plastics and using biodegradable and paper-based alternatives
  • Continuing the rollout of leak-free quarter-turn taps and replacing old traditional taps with washers

Social Responsibility

Tally shares the love towards local businesses, the local people, and the environment. They implement their social responsibility through the following initiatives:

  • Fundraising for Surf Life Saving and Leukemia Foundation
  • Buying from local business such as Muk Mats, Archies, and Gold Coast Bakery
  • Hiring local tradespeople
  • Volunteering for local sporting clubs and organising staff blood donations
  • Offering in-park work experience for local students interested in parks and hospitality careers
  • Appointing a Wellbeing Manager to provide training programs and support for staff
  • Supporting staff in their extracurricular activities and taking leave to promote a healthier work-life balance
  • Reducing carbon footprint through our environmental plan

Economic Responsibility

Tallebudgera proactively engage in partnerships with local business and community groups to empower staff and educate guests.

These partnerships include:

  • Providing local produce and products from local businesses in the kiosk and in-park food truck. Businesses include Gold Coast Bakery, Tank Stream Media, Fuel Bakery, Gold Coast Ice, Tweed Bait and Paradox Coffee Roasters
  • Kalwun Development Corporation and Jellurgal Cultural Centre to share Indigenous cultural activities within the park. Activities include a Smoking Ceremony, Welcome to Country and other cultural presentations for guests.
  • Sunnyskyes Aquatic and Wellness Hub to provide Creek and Surf Safety Programs during school holidays
  • Tallebudgera Surf Club where 4,000 park guests are now members
Aboriginal dancers posing at a smoking ceremony at Tallebudgera Creek Tourist Park. Guests of the park watching in the background.

Ethical Responsibilities

Tallebudgera take pride in their ethical responsibilities towards staff, business partners, community groups and guests.

The team have committed to the following ethical practices:

  • Ensuring all staff are on the correct pay scale with penalty rates and leave installed
  • Implementing systems to make sure all invoices are paid before the due date
  • Engaging with local indigenous groups to build strong relationships and create new guest experiences
  • Working with local art gallery, Dreamtime Artistry, to showcase indigenous artworks
  • Partnering with Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary and surf clubs to provide in-park educational workshops on local wildlife

Posted: December 12th 2023